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4 mistakes to avoid with a slip-and-fall claim

  • April 27, 2018

As a result of building owners' negligence, people slip and fall all the time. While most people end up feeling fine after an incident, the National Floor Safety Institute estimates that approximately 8,000,000 emergency room visits occur annually as a result…

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How to talk to parents about aging and driving

  • December 27, 2017

As people get older, the less capable they become of safely driving on busy roadways. Decreased vision and reduced cognitive functions increase the likelihood of a senior citizen becoming involved in an accident. According to the Centers for Disease Control…

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The importance of Double Jeopardy protections

  • September 28, 2017

Virginia defendants have the valuable benefit of a state codified Double Jeopardy Clause. They also enjoy the Constitutional right found in the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution. Generally, these protections guarantee they cannot be the subject of a criminal…

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The misunderstanding of Miranda

  • August 30, 2017

Most people in Virginia have heard the advice involving the Miranda warning. One is not to speak to law enforcement officers when under suspicion or officers are asking questions. Many people may forget this sage advice when under the stress…

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