Following search of hotel room, man faces drug charges

When an individual is accused of possessing drugs, there is a need to take immediate action. A conviction in Virginia on drug charges can change the course of a person’s life and have a range of negative outcomes, up to and including time spent behind bars. It is necessary to make a number of quick decisions regarding how to proceed, and doing so under the guidance of a seasoned criminal defense attorney is the best way to avoid an unfavorable outcome.
An example is found in the recent arrest of a man who stands accused of drug possession. The arrest was the result of a police search of a hotel room in Orange County. Police were called to that location when reports were made of illegal drug use at the hotel. When they searched the room, they discovered substances believed to be heroin and marijuana, as well as prescription narcotics and various types of drug paraphernalia. There was also an undisclosed amount of money found in the room.
The room’s occupant, a 34-year-old Orange County man, was arrested and charged with possession, possession with the intent to distribute and possession of drug paraphernalia. These are serious charges, and they carry significant punitive repercussions if a conviction results. There is no word on whether any other individuals were present in the hotel room at the time of the search, or whether any other arrests have been made.
As of the time of this report, it is unclear whether the man has secured legal counsel. Once that step has been completed, he and his attorney will work together to devise a response to the charges in order to work toward the best possible outcome. Each case is unique, and the response to Virginia drug charges is always based on a thorough review of the specific charges, the evidence held by the prosecution and the information provided by the defendant.
Source:, “Orange County man facing drug charges after search of hotel room“, July 18, 2016