Coronavirus: Supreme Court of Virginia issues order
With the spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, many people may be wondering what is happening with the courts. The Governor issued a statewide ban on all events over 100 people on March 15, 2020. Yesterday, March 16, 2020, the Supreme Court of Virginia issued an Order declaring a judicial emergency in all district and circuits courts within Virginia. The Order states that from March 16, 2020 to April 6, 2020, all Non-Essential, Non-Emergency court proceedings in all circuit and district courts are Suspended for the time being. These matters will be rescheduled for a different date. The Order did provide for some exceptions such as bond motions, arraignments, protective orders, emergency child custody or protection cases, civil commitment hearings, quarantine or isolation matters, and jury trials where a defendant’s speedy trial right is at issue. Additionally, the Supreme Court gave Judges the ability to exercise discretion with matters where a defendant is incarcerated.
At Whitestone Young, we understand this may be a trying and stressful time for you and your family. If you have a question about whether your, or a loved one’s, case will be proceeding as scheduled or if you need a bond hearing, please call us at (703) 591-0200 or go to our contact portal here.