Domestic Assault And Battery Charges Must Be Taken Seriously
Domestic assault and battery offenses are taken very seriously by Virginia law enforcement. Physical violence is not necessary for a person to be charged with a crime. A victim’s reasonable fear of harm can be enough for police to remove an alleged abuser from the home and a protective order to be issued by the court.
A conviction on domestic assault and battery charges can result in severe penalties and may be used as evidence in child custody or other family law proceedings. If you are facing charges for domestic abuse, spousal abuse or a similar offense, seek the advice of a defense attorney at Whitestone Young, PC
When you hire our firm, we work tirelessly to protect your rights above all else. From minimizing the impact of any protective orders on your personal freedom to disputing allegations of assault and advocating for your rights in court, we do everything in our power to obtain a favorable resolution on your behalf.
Representation For Victims Of Domestic Violence
If you, your child or another member of the household has been the victim of abuse, we can help you take the necessary steps to obtain the protection you need. We will assist you with obtaining a temporary protective order and be there to represent you at any necessary hearings.
Contact One Of Our Fairfax Lawyers About Your Case
Please call 703-591-0200 or contact us online for an appointment about your domestic assault and battery case. Your initial consultation is free.